Des mesures ambitieuses ont été prises pour améliorer le système éducatif. Elles incluent la construction d'écoles pour éliminer les abris provisoires, la résorption du manque d’enseignants et la prise en charge des pièces d’état civil des élèves. Les taux d’échec au CFEE, BFEM et Bac sont au centre des préoccupations du gouvernement.
While I cannot access the specific text due to the "403 Forbidden" error, I can infer the main conceptual idea based on the given information.
The text states "Le gouvernement projette de relever le Dfi de l'echec scolaire," which translates to "The government is planning to address the challenge of school failure."
Therefore, the main conceptual idea likely revolves around government initiatives and policies aimed at tackling the issue of school dropout or academic underachievement.
While I cannot access the specific text due to the "403 Forbidden" error, I can infer the main conceptual idea based on the given information. The text states "Le gouvernement projette de relever le Dfi de l'echec scolaire," which translates to "The government is planning to address the challenge of school failure." Therefore, the main conceptual idea likely revolves around government initiatives and policies aimed at tackling the issue of school dropout or academic underachievement.